For Investors
Trust Deed Investing
Build your Real Estate Note Portfolio
Don’t settle for investments that tie up your capital without offering significant returns.
Partner with us to invest in low leveraged investment real estate and earn consistent income with high-profit margins. Discover the amazing opportunities that participating in private lending can offer investors.
A few benefits we provide our partners
Our platform offers investor partners direct access to carefully curated investment opportunities, secured by real estate. High-Yield Trust Deeds provides flexible investment terms, that can accommodate the needs of almost any kind of investor.
Investment Options
Private Lender
Partner Program
A direct placement structure were you are listed as the lender, you will provide the capital neccassary to fund the entire loan amount, and a loan servicing company will handle the payments.
Distressed Note
Investor Program
This option grants private debt investors access to carefully curated discounted non-performing mortgage notes direct from institutions. Chosose between Residential pools or single-asset commerical properties.