Loan Sale Advisory

Loan Sale Advisory

Providing a Better Solution

Providing best-in-class loan advisory services related to the valuation and sale of individual loans and loan portfolios secured by residential and commercial real estate collateral.

…we work with our clients to maximize the recoverable value of their distressed assets.

A Range of Debt Advisory Services

REID offers a full range of loan disposition advisory services to banks, investment funds, insurance companies, and other financial institutions looking to buy or sell commercial and residential real estate-backed loans.

To ensure timely resolution of criticized assets, we have a thorough understanding and knowledge of secondary real estate debt capital markets. REID Lending Partners takes pride in providing a completely customized solution and timely execution to meet the diverse needs of each client.

Benefits of working with REID

We offer loan sale advisory for performing and non-performing real estate loans held by banks and financial institutions nationwide.

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